Most investors know that diversification is very important while making investment decisions. Asset allocation within an investment portfolio helps in balancing the risk and reward trade-off between different assets like equity, debt and cash. If investors wish to invest in equity or stocks as part of their portfolio, they have the option to invest in… Read More
Trading in a securities market is similar to trading in any other goods and services market because the concept of demand and supply is applicable everywhere. Demand and supply play an important role in determining the price of the securities. Listed companies can sell shares directly to the public through the stock exchange. The sale… Read More
There’s nothing that could save you better than investing the money in your future. Investing is one of the ways that you can save and accumulate your wealth over long periods. Yet, putting all eggs in one basket is risky and restricting. Diversify and Your Investment Portfolio. Investing diversification is an important technique in risk… Read More
Become an Authorized Person with MyGainn Are you tired of feeling stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfill you? Do you dream of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and pursuing your passion on your own terms? It’s time to make that dream a reality because MyGainn brings you a golden opportunity to… Read More
At MyGainn, we understand the importance of having a strong partner to represent you in offering financial services to clients. That’s why we offer a range of services to help you become an authorized person-NSE, and we believe we are the ideal choice for your partnership. Why Choose MyGainn as Your Authorized Person-NSE Partner? 1.… Read More
Where to Invest??
Investment options There are several investment options available to Indian investors, depending on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. It is very important to combat the impact of inflation on everyday spending and saving especially after situations of pandemic and war. Therefore, Indian netizens are shifting their focus to investing in those financial… Read More
This is the ‘US Dollar’ – a simple paper note, that looks like any other currency bill, but the whole world is a slave to $. Let me give you a food for thought. For the USA, dollar is not just a medium to trade, but a tool to control you, your national interests, and… Read More
Introduction In recent times, the United States has been facing some challenging economic situations, which are causing concerns not only within the country but also around the world. One of the major issues that the US is currently grappling with is the debt ceiling crisis. This blog aims to explain the debt ceiling crisis in… Read More
Stock Market – What is it?
So, the stock market is like a big market where people buy and sell tiny pieces of ownership in companies. In India, “the stock market” also known as “the Dalal Street” can refer to the entire ecosphere of securities trading, which includes stock exchanges where the stocks of Indian public companies are listed for sale.… Read More
Understanding Initial Public Offering (IPO)
If you’re considering investing in stocks or simply keeping up with the financial news, you might have come across the term Initial Public Offering (IPO). It is a significant milestone for a company as it offers an opportunity to raise capital and expand its reach. An IPO is the process by which a private company… Read More